
We Survived the Storm

We had a powerful storm yesterday with 60-70 mph winds. We were still at work but wondered how things had fared here at home.

It took a while to find out because our normal 10 minute commute turned into 45 minutes. Three traffic lights were out because of a power outage. What a mess. As I crept along I kept thanking God that I don't drive in that kind of traffic every day!

When we arrived home things seemed to be okay. The canopied swing looked like it had survived (I had imagined it would be blown to the next county LOL). We found out later it had blown over and our park manager set it and the sattelite dish back up for us. (He is such a good guy!) My plants were blown clear under the RV. I rescued three of them and still trying to reach the fourth.

Little Bit seemed okay and wasn't too upset. I always pray for protection and thank God that He was watching over us!

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